A collection of his diaries, correspondence and memoranda is in the British Museum.
Crusaders themselves kept diaries or itineraria; while home-keeping ecclesiastics in the West - monks like Robert of Reims, abbots like Guibert of Nogent, archbishops like Balderich of Dol - found a fertile subject for their pens in the history of the Crusades.
Edward Purcell was an obscure Catholic journalist, to whom Manning, late in life, had entrusted, rather by way of charitable bequest, his private diaries and other confidential papers.
Chathams correspondence with colonial governors has been published (2 vols., 1906), as have the Grenville Papers, Bedford Correspondence, Malmesburys Diaries, Aucklands Journals and Correspondence, Graftons Correspondence, Lord Norths Correspondence with George III., and other correspondence in The Memoirs of Rockingkam, and the duke of Buckinghams Court and Cabinets of George Ill.
Irving then hijacked the story with the " revelation " of the Eichmann diaries.