The choice of crotchet, dotted crotchet, or minim for indications of tempo, throws the predominant grouping of the basic " pulse.
It is used to determine the density of a body experimentally; for if W is the weight of a body weighed in a balance in air (strictly in vacuo), and if W' is the weight required to balance when the body is suspended in water, then the upward thrust of the liquid (I) (2) "F r an Minim ' 'i n or weight of liquid displaced is W-W, so that the specific gravity (S.G.), defined as the ratio of the weight of a body to the weight of an equal volume of water, is W/(W-W').
In 1611 he joined the Minim Friars, and devoted himself to philosophic teaching in various convent schools.
The ideal candidate will be of graduate caliber and have a minim of 2 years commercial sales experience, with a proven track record.
Here, too, he made the acquaintance of Claude Mydorge, one of the foremost mathematicians of France, and renewed an early intimacy with Malin Mersenne (q.v.), now Father Mersenne, of the order of Minim friars.