Linguist Synonyms

Student of language
  1. philologist
  2. lexicographer
  3. grammarian
  4. linguistician
  5. polyglot
  6. etymologist
  7. philologer
  8. structuralist
  9. structural linguist
  10. usagist
  11. transformationalist
  12. transformational grammarian
  13. phonologist
  14. dialectician
  15. vocabulist
  16. glossographer
  17. glossologist
  18. glottologist
  19. phoneticist
  20. phonetician
  21. phonemist
  22. grammatist
  23. lexiconist
  24. philologue
  25. linguistic-scientist
  26. interpreter
  27. stratificationalist
  28. stratificational grammarian
  29. tagmemist
  30. glottochronologist
  31. comparativist
  32. comparative (Indo-European) grammarian
  33. reconstructionist
  34. linguistic geographer
  35. semanticist
Speaker of many languages
  1. polyglot
  2. translator
  3. polyglottist
  4. savant
  5. conversant
  6. Pangloss