The branch is to be prepared by ringing or notching or wiring as in layering, and a temporary stand made to support the vessel which is to contain the soil.
The former has gold layering for the outer ring.
After many years of labor in layering and planting, the attempt to grow named varieties in the usual way was abandoned, and the plan was adopted of raising seedlings, the Carnation being thus treated practically as a biennial.
Layering consists simply in bending down a branch and keeping it in contact with or buried to a small depth in the soil until roots are formed; the connexion with the parent plant may then be severed.
In general, each shoot makes one layer, but in plants like the Wistaria or Clematis, which make long shoots, what is called serpentine layering may be adopted; that is, the shoot is taken alternately below and above the surface, as frequently as its length permits.