This is precisely the Bushman view; the sun was a man who irradiated light from his armpit.
After one such battle, Rodan was irradiated by Godzilla energy, changing his colors from brown and tan to red and yellow and granting him firebird abilities.
I have refracted it with Prismes, and reflected it with Bodies, which in Day-light were of other colours; I have intercepted it with the coloured film of Air interceding two compressed plates of glass, transmitted it through coloured Mediums, and through Mediums irradiated with other sorts of Rays, and diversly terminated it; and yet could never produce any new colour out of it.
The authors noticed also cellular differentiation violations in posterity of white rats irradiated by EMF with PFD of 500 microW/cm2.
The irradiated fuel was carried in steel flasks on the vehicle deck of the ferry alongside passenger cars.