A saturated solution of the gas, in water, is a colourless, oily, strongly fuming liquid which after a time decomposes, with separation of metaboric acid, leaving hydrofluoboric acid HF BF3 in solution.
Now if the notch of the tan gent sight be carried to H' in order to lay on T, the fore-sight, and with it the axis, H will be moved to F', the line of fire will be HF'D', and the shot will strike T since D'T = DT.
Only one compound of hydrogen and fluorine is known, namely hydrofluoric acid, HF or H 2 F 2, which was first obtained by C. Scheele in 1771 by decomposing fluor-spar with concentrated sulphuric acid, a method still used for the commercial preparation of the aqueous solution of the acid, the mixture being distilled from leaden retorts and the acid stored in leaden or gutta-percha bottles.
Most of the HF aerials post-war were rhombic patterns.
The HF lift controls in the equalizing amplifier should then be able to be set to a lower level.