Some air purifiers with fans can be quite noisy when running full blast.
Full closes and repeated sentences no longer confuse the issue, but in their absence we begin to notice the incessant squareness of the ostensibly free rhythms. The immense amount of pageantry, though (as in Tannhauser) good in dramatic motive and executed with splendid stage-craft, goes far to stultify Wagner's already vigorous attitude of protest against grand-opera methods; by way of preparation for the ethereally poetic end he gives us a disinfected present from Meyerbeer at the beginning of the last scene, where mounted trumpeters career round the stage in full blast for three long minutes; and the prelude to the third act is an outburst of sheer gratuitous vulgarity.
And all I could do was forget my sniping and just go full blast outside in hopes of stopping them.
While this style is not a necessity, it is helpful at the office where the air conditioner is on full-blast, and at chilly supermarkets that are equally arctic.
Turn it up full blast so that the water breaks up any clogs.