A few cruise lines and booking companies claim to be the friendliest in Europe.
The Latin king rode behind the Greek emperor, without any of the insignia of his dignity, at the entry into Antioch; but their relations were of the friendliest, and Manuel - as great a physician as he was a hunter - personally attended to Baldwin when the king was thrown from his horse in attempting to equal the emperor's feats of horsemanship. In the same year Baldwin had to undertake the regency in Antioch once more, Raynald of Chatillon, the second husband of Constance, being captured in battle.
The 2005 Memba Rally, although one of the wettest in recent memory, was also one of the friendliest and most laid-back.
Friends Reunited Dating claims to be the "friendliest" dating site for United Kingdom singles.
There, you'll be able to find out which cruises are the friendliest for gays and why they're the best choices.