The first is the fundamental question whether it is right in principle to modify foodstuffs genetically.
If foodstuffs are to be employed it must be possible to grow them in excess of food requirements, and at a cost low enough to ensure that the price of the alcohol shall be about the same as that 1 The lower calorific value plus the latent heat of evaporation at constant volume.
Foodstuffs could not be grown in the United Kingdom at sufficiently low prices, nor in sufficient quantities, to produce alcohol commercially and on a large scale.
Austria in foodstuffs, and the latter was constantly thrown back upon Hungarian supplies; and this superiority on the part of Hungary became more and more definitely pronounced in proportion as the provision of the necessities of life for the army and civil population became a steadily-increasing anxiety.
No better picture can be obtained of its overwhelming economic impoverishment than by studying the figures which show the decline in the crop returns for Austria, and taking into account the fact that imports from Hungary and the territories under military occupation naturally fell far below the proportion of foodstuffs formerly imported.