Having entered the army as a conscript he was made an officer by Said Pasha in 1862, and was employed in the transport department in the Abyssinian campaign of 1875 under Ismail Pasha.
He is a Russian conscript who was shot in the chin during the battle in Grozny.
The object of her navy is therefore necessarily defensive, unless it act in co-operation with a foreign conscript army.
The conscripts were formerly trained for 90 days, but according to the law of 1901, the conscript is bound to serve in time of peace - in the infantry, position artillery, fortress artillery, fortress engineers, and the army service corps a total of 240 days; and in the cavalry, field artillery, field engineers, and field telegraph corps a total of 365 days.
He served as a conscript in one of Constantine's campaigns, and on his return became a Christian (314); he at once went to live an eremitical life near Dendera by the Nile, putting himself under the guidance of an aged hermit.