Committee Synonyms
A special group delegated to consider some matter; - Milton Berle
- jury
- board
- council
- bureau
- commission
- panel
- subcommittee
- consultants
- investigators
- trustees
- advisory group
- task-force
- board of inquiry
- appointed group
- cabinet
- representatives
- investigative committee
- study group
- executive-committee
- standing-committee
- planning board
- body
- ad hoc committee
- special committee
- grand-jury
- citizens committee
- referees
- deliberative body
- court
- convocation
- delegation
- chamber
- soviet
- gathering
- under consideration
- being weighed
- being evaluated
- not settled
- group
- junta
Words Related to Committee
Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.
Committee Is Also Mentioned In