An essential structural component of living cells and source of energy for animals; includes simple sugars with small molecules as well as macromolecular substances; are classified according to the number of monosaccharide groups they contain
As for diet, the suggestion was to avoid refined carbohydrates and increase intake of antioxidant foods.
Cravings for carbohydrates can lead to weight gain.
These bundle sheaths are important in the conduction of carbohydrates away from the assimilating cells to other parts of the plant.
These they obtain usually in the form of carbohydrates from the dead remains of other organisms, or in this or other forms from the living cells of their hosts; in the former case they are termed saprophytes, in the latter parasites.
The watery fluid in which the globules are suspended holds certain proteids, carbohydrates and a small proportion of salts in solution.