It contains several squares and boulevards, a large public garden, and many handsome public and private edifices.
The steep, narrow streets of the old town contrast with the wide, shady boulevards which encircle it and divide it from the suburbs.
The city has 95 acres of boulevards and avenues under park supervision and several fine parks (17, with 307 acres in 1907), notably Washington (containing Calverley's bronze statue of Robert Burns, and Rhind's "Moses at' the Rock of Horeb"), Beaver and Dudley, in which is the old Dudley Observatory - the present Observatory building is in Lake Avenue, south-west of Washington Park, where is also the Albany Hospital.
Founded in 1854, it is well-built, provided with boulevards and surrounded by luxuriant gardens.
The town is a medley of old narrow streets contrasting with the wide modern boulevards which cross it at intervals.