Skandaalso called Kumara (the youth), Karttikeya, or Subrahmanya (in the south) - the six-headed war-lord of the gods; and Ganese, the lord (or leader) of Siva's troupes of attendants, being at the same time the elephant-headed, paunch-bellied god of wisdom; whilst a third, Kama (Kamadeva) or Kandarpa, the god of love, gets his popular epithet of Ananga," the bodiless,"from his having once, in frolicsome play, tried the power of his arrows upon Siva, whilst engaged in austere practices, when a single glance from the third (forehead) eye of the angry god reduced the mischievous urchin to ashes.
The wholly good bodiless persons are called angels; the eternally sinful bodiless persons are called angels; the eternally sinful bodiless persons are fallen angels or demons.
Chinese potters of the Yung-lo era (1403-1414) enriched their country with a quantity of ware to which the name of total-ki (bodiless utensil) was given on account of its wonderfully attenuated pdle.