Although the term " algebra " is now in universal use, various other appellations were used by the Italian mathematicians during the Renaissance.
Spread over 15 different appellations, his range positively rings with great Burgundian names!
Other race mixtures consist of the zambos (the African-Indian cross), an Asiatic graft upon these various crosses, and an extremely confusing intermixture of the various crosses, for which the Spanish races have descriptive appellations.
Besides the imposing proportions of its chambers, the cavern is remarkable for the variegated beauty of its stalactite formations, some resembling transparent drapery, others waterfalls, trees, animals or human beings, the more grotesque being called by various fanciful appellations.
Modern names, more or less similar to the ancient appellations, have been noted in different parts of the Dead Sea area; but no certain identification can be based on these similarities.