The transcendent employment of the categories leads to antinomy, or equally balanced statements of apparently contradictory results.
But, if we should take the view that nature is infinitely extended - part of the " Antithesis " in Kant's first " Antinomy " - relative necessity breaks down on the last analysis, since boundless nature may overwhelm that sequence which we thought most securely established.
In view of these differences (amounting almost to an antinomy of paradoxes) in interpretation, it is not surprising to find that recent years have witnessed a violent reaction in some quarters against Hegelian influence.
He accepts an ultimate antinomy as to the finiteness or infinity of " the unconditioned," yet applies the law of the excluded middle to insist that one of the two alternatives must be true, wherefore we must make the choice.
Ethical and sociological developments of this theory succeed its physical and psychological treatment, the consideration of the antinomy of freedom being especially important.