Guarantee Synonyms and Antonyms

An assumption of responsibility, as one given by a manufacturer, for the quality, worth, or durability of a product
To promise
  1. swear
  2. secure
  3. assure
  4. insure
  5. undertake
  6. cross-one-s-heart
  1. break
To give security
  1. ensure
  2. insure
  3. assure
  4. secure
  5. pledge
  6. give bond
  7. go bail
  8. wager
  9. stake
  10. give a guarantee
  11. stand good for
  12. vouch
  13. mortgage
  14. pawn
  15. back
  16. warrant
  17. sign for
  18. cinch

Words Related to Guarantee

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.