Few Synonyms and Antonyms

Amounting to or consisting of a small number:
  1. rare
  2. less
  3. infrequent
  4. scant
  5. scarce
  6. seldom
  7. some
  8. not many
  9. scarcely any
  10. hardly any
  11. sparse
  12. scanty
  13. thin
  14. scattered
  15. straggling
  16. handful
  17. widely-spaced
  18. inconsiderable
  19. negligible
  20. sporadic
  21. not too many
  22. a-few
  23. limited
  24. a couple of
  25. a small number of
  26. meager
  27. any
  28. occasional
  29. few-and-far-between
  30. in the minority
  31. unfrequent
  32. skimpy
Scarcely any
  1. many
  2. not many
  3. a small number
  4. a handful
  5. scarcely any
  6. hardly any
  7. not so many as one might expect
  8. not too many
  9. several
  10. some
  11. a scattering
  12. a number that can be counted on one's fingers
  13. three or four
  14. a couple
  15. a sprinkling
  16. a smattering
  17. a minority
  18. a large number
  1. many
  2. a multitude
  3. a great many
  4. much
Hardly any
  1. many
  2. much

Words Related to Few

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.
