Mope Synonyms and Antonyms

To focus the attention on something moodily and at length
  1. brood
  2. fret
  3. droop
  4. despair
  5. pine
  6. sulk
  7. stew
  8. be low-spirited
  9. pine away
  10. grieve
  11. despond
  12. sink
  13. lose-heart
  14. cark
  15. yearn
  16. repine
  17. dwell
  18. grumble
  19. chafe
  20. lament
  21. regret
  22. moon-around
  23. mope around
  24. look glum
  25. be in a funk
  26. give-way
  27. grump
  28. look blue
  29. croak
  30. worry
  31. linger
  32. be sunk in the doldrums
  33. pull a long face
  34. pout
  35. moon about
  1. revive
  2. be happy
  3. celebrate
  4. cheer-up
  5. be elated
To be sullenly aloof or withdrawn, as in silent resentment or protest
  1. pet
  2. sulk
  3. pout
Someone who wastes time
To think gloomily and persistently about something; be dejected.
  1. brood

Words Related to Mope

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.

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