The product claims to whiten teeth in just 14 days and keeps them white for up to six months.
All four whiten teeth for 12 - 18 months.
In beauty treatments Lemon was traditionally used to whiten skin and teeth, fade freckles and blemishes, and lighten hair.
Moreover, Whiten and colleagues found no evidence that habits vary more between, than within, the three existing chimpanzee subspecies of chimpanzee.
From the meaning of "top" or "head," as applied to a plant, herb or rower, comes the common use of the word for the produce of cereals or other cultivated plants, the wheat-crop, the cotton-crop and the like, and generally, "the crops"; more particular expressions are the "white-crop," for such grain crops as barley or wheat, which whiten as they grow ripe, and "green-crop" for such as roots or potatoes which do not, and also for those which are cut in a green state, like clover (see Agriculture).