This pure being is God, and must be distinguished from the triune God as known to us.
In the West trine immersion was generally held to be symbolic of the triune name of "Father, Son and Holy Ghost."
It is Scripture, the word of God, which provides testimony to God 's triune nature in all its parts.
The special characteristic of its theology is in the first part where it owes most to the teaching of Augustine, who in his striving after self-knowledge analysed the mystery of his own triune personality and illustrated it with psychological images, " I exist and I am conscious that I exist, and I love the existence and the consciousness; and all this independently of any external influence."
Such a riper analysis of the mystery of his own personality enabled him to arrive at a clearer conception of the idea of divine personality, " whose triunity has nothing potential or unrealized about it; whose triune elements are eternally actualized, by no outward influence, but from within; a Trinity in Unity."