See, for information specially relating to the whole subject, the Abbe Desgodin's Mission du Thibet de 1855 a 1870 (Verdun, 1872); and "Account of the Pundit's Journey in Great Tibet," in the Royal Geographical Society's Journal for 1877.
The yak of Thibet cannot long survive in the plains of India, or even on the hills below a certain altitude; and that this is due to climate, and not to the increased density of the atmosphere, is shown by the fact that the same animal appears to thrive well in Europe, and even breeds there readily.
The yak of Thibet cannot long survive in the plains ofIndia, or even on the hills below a certain altitude; and that this is due to climate, and not to the increased density of the atmosphere, is shown by the fact that the same animal appears to thrive well in Europe, and even breeds there readily.
The plant grows at a height of 11,000 feet to 15,500 feet in the mountains of Thibet and S.W.
Meconopsis Principis - A plant first found by Franchet in Thibet; it comes near M. punicea, but is not so large a plant, and its smaller crimson flowers are held erect instead of nodding.