Storehouses of food were established at various centres and a system of food-drafts was devised whereby relatives and friends could send relief where it was needed.
Land was probably acquired for a military post and store depot at Woolwich in 1667, in order to erect batteries against the invading Dutch fleet, although in 1664 mention is made of storehouses and sheds for repairing ship carriages.
It consisted of a large open rectangular space surrounded by an Ionic colonnade into which opened a number of shops or storehouses.
Eton (Survey of the Turkish Empire, 3rd ed., 1801) are storehouses of information on Turkey from the 16th century to the end of the 18th.
There are generally in a coloni three or four Danish houses, built of wood and pitched over, in addition to storehouses and a blubber-boiling establishment.