His father, Spence Monroe, was of Scotch, and his mother, Elizabeth Jones, was of Welsh descent.
Pope, with less excuse, put him in the Dunciad towards the end of his life, but he confessed to Spence in private that Defoe had written many things and none bad.
Spence Bate maintained that the Schizopoda ought not to form a separate order, but to be ranged as a macruran tribe, "more nearly allied to the degraded forms of the Penaeidea than to those of any other group" ("Challenger" Reports, " Macrura," p. 472, 1888).
Of mechanically rabbling furnaces we may mention the O'Harra modified by Allen-Brown, the Hixon, the KellerGaylord-Cole, the Ropp, the Spence, the Wethey, the Parkes, Pearce's " Turret " and Brown's " Horseshoe " furnaces.
In other furnaces the ore rests on a series of horizontal plates, and either remains on the same plate throughout the operation (0111vier and Perret furnace), or is passed from plate to plate by hand (Maletra), or by mechanical means (Spence and M`Dougall).