They were still surrounded by the magic plain bathed in moonlight and spangled with stars.
The surface of vessels may be spangled with gold or platinum by rolling the hot glass on metallic leaf, or iridescent, by the deposition of metallic tin, or by the corrosion caused by the chemical action of acid fumes.
The colours range from deep black to pure white, passing through chestnut or bay, and many tints of brown or ashy-grey, while often the feathers are more or less closely barred with some darker shade, and the black is very frequently glossed with violet, blue or green - or, in addition, spangled with white grey or gold-colour.
Its external walls are of a pale green and white colour, and it has ten cupolas, four spangled with stars and six surmounted each with a cross.
Large masses with a coarse or fine granular structure are of common occurrence; the fractured surfaces of such masses present a spangled appearance owing to the numerous bright cleavages.