Triethyl silicol, (C2H5),Si OH, is a true alcohol, obtained by condensing zinc ethyl with silicic ester, the resulting substance of composition, (C2H5)3 SiOC2H51 with acetyl chloride yielding a chloro-compound (C2H5)3SiC1, which with aqueous ammonia yields the alcohol.
The Fabule, si istorioare (2 vols., 1839-41) is a collection of short popular stories in rhyme; SezVoarea la tarci (1852-53) is a description of the Rumanian Spinnstube, for which the peasants gather in one of their houses on a winter's night, the girls and women spinning and working, the young men telling tales, proverbs, riddles, singing songs, &c. Pann also collected the jokes of the Turkish jester, Nasreddin, under the title of Neisdraveiniile lui Nastratin Hogea (1853), also in rhyme.
The otocysts are placed on the outer wall of the Sub _ _ _ '`Si.
It is thus possible to study simultaneously all the theories which depend upon operations of the group. Symbolic Representation of Symmetric Functions.-Denote the s 8 s elementar symmetric function a s by al a 2 a3 pleasure; then, Y y si,, si,...
The straight edge at the top left shows the Si 110 plane.