You could also add a bit of romaine lettuce to the winter diet.
Gaston Boissier, L'Afrique romaine (1895), is a picturesque but somewhat superficial apercu of the principal Roman ruins.
He is the Christian emperor directly inspired by angels; his sword Joyeuse contained the point of the lance used in the Passion; his standard was Romaine, the banner of St Peter, which, as the oriflamme of Saint Denis, was later to be borne in battle before the kings of France; and in 1164 Charles was canonized at the desire of the emperor Frederick I.
He published, in 1839, his Histoire romaine, but this was in his graver and earlier manner.
The Histoire de la delivrance de l'eglise chretienne par l'emp. Constantin, et de la grandeur et souverainetetemporelle donnee d l'eglise romaine par les rois de France (1630) gave great offence at Rome, and a Declaration (1654), directed against faults in the administration of the Oratory, was strictly suppressed.