Both songs have been reworked giving them fresh impetus.
Another great source of inexpensive furs is China, and for many years past enormous quantities of dressed furs, many of which are made up in the form of linings and Chinese looseshaped garments, have been imported by England, Germany and France for the lower class of business; the garments are only regarded as so much fur and are reworked.
The pins of the stripper and cylinder point in the same direction, but since the surface speed of the cylinder is much greater than the surface speed of the stripper, it follows that the fibre is combed between the two, and that part is carried forward by the cylinder to be reworked.
In addition, tailings waste originally deposited within the river channels entering the estuary may also be reworked and redeposited.
I worked and reworked many times over, but it was mostly finished last April.