It is indeed true that to thousands the hope of acquiring spiritual merit must have been a great motive; it is also true, as the records of crusading sermons show, that there was a strong element of "revivalism" in the Crusades, and that thousands were hurried into taking the cross by a gust of that uncontrollable enthusiasm which is excited by revivalist meetings to-day.
There were, however, some ardent spirits who continued to work along the old lines and whose watchword was revivalism, and out of their efforts came the Bible Christian, the Independent Methodist and the Primitive Methodist denominations.
Rationality of religious Identity It was said earlier that what apparently unites multiculturalism and religious revivalism is their identification of religion with identity.
This has been true of Islamic revivalism over the last century.
His mother and siblings got caught up in evangelical revivalism to which Ibsen was intractably hostile.