As they did not attempt to show how Christianity fulfilled Paganism or how Paganism prefigured Christianity, Lewis concluded that Christianity was equally nonsensical.
The community radio stations supposedly prefigured the imminent reorganization of the whole of society around direct democracy after the anarcho-communist revolution.
In this way he takes in succession the typical Jewish institutions - Circumcision, Foods, Ablutions, Covenant, Sabbath, Temple - showing their spiritual counterpart in the New People and its ordinances, and that the Cross was prefigured from the first.
His prince, abating those points which are purely Italian or strongly tinctured with the author's personal peculiarities, prefigured the monarchs of the 16th and 17th centuries, the monarchs whose motto was L'e'tat c' est moil His doctrine of a national militia foreshadowed the system which has given strength in arms to France and Germany.
Fortunately, on the very day of the dispersal of the Legislative Assembly, Dumouriez saved France from a Prussian invasion by the victory of Valmy, and by unauthorized negotiations which prefigured those of Bonaparte at Loben (September 22, 1792).