Like most great teachers he published a text-book, and his Traite de Chimie elementaire, theorique et pratique (4 vols., Paris, 1813-16), which served as a standard for a quarter of a century, perhaps did even more for the advance of chemistry than his numerous original discoveries.
Alembert was much interested in music both as a science and as an art, and wrote Elements de musique theorique et pratique (1779), which was based upon the system of P. Rameau with important modifications and differences.
His academic lectures for 1843-1844 were published in 2 vols., 1845-1849, under the title Legons de geologie pratique.
In November 1885 he was appointed lecturer at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes.
He published in1828-1830his Cours complet d'economie politique pratique, which is in the main an expansion of the Traite, with practical applications.