Venetian traveler who explored Asia in the 13th century and served Kublai Khan (1254-1324)
Polo Sentence Examples
I have a couple of polo shirts, but no light shirts.
Give me one of those polo shirts and I'll go wash up.
It was Yancey, clad in boots, Jeans and a light blue polo shirt.
The islands are briefly noticed by Marco Polo, who probably saw without visiting them, under the name Angamanain, seemingly an Arabic dual, "The two Angamans," with the exaggerated but not unnatural picture of the natives, long current, as dog-faced Anthropophagi.
The name is often in popular literature written Cambalu, and is by Longfellow accented in verse Cambeilic. But this spelling originates in an accidental error in Ramusio's Italian version, which was the chief channel through which Marco Polo's book was popularly known.