Some of the inscribed pedestals of the latter have been found.
On the land side of the platforms there is a broad terrace with large stone pedestals upon which once stood colossal stone images carved somewhat into the shape of the human trunk.
On some of the platforms there are upwards of a dozen images, now thrown from their pedestals and lying in all directions.
In the centre the colossal statue of Luther rises, on a pedestal at the base of which are sitting figures of Peter Waldo, Wycliffe, Hus and Savonarola, the heralds of the Reformation; at the corners of the platform, on lower pedestals, are statues of Luther's contemporaries, Melanchthon, Reuchlin, Philip of Hesse, and Frederick the Wise of Saxony, between which are allegorical figures of Magdeburg (mourning), Spires (protesting) and Augsburg (confessing).
This was found to be lined with pedestals of honorific statues and to have on the west side a remarkable building, stated in an inscription to have been a library.