Moreover, a spiritual revival mitigated the crushing effects of material ruin.
Even had this circumstance been known at the time, it could scarcely have mitigated the intense resentment of the whole Italian nation at an event which was considered tantamount not only to the destruction of Italian aspirations to Tunisia, but to the ruin of the interests of the numerous Italian colony and to a constant menace against the security of the Sicilian and south Italian coasts.
But this was mitigated by a strong sense of humour (not always sarcastic, though sometimes savagely so), and by tenderness, best seen in his epistolary friendships with women; and it was quite overborne by an instinct and passion for great practical affairs.
If the child does have long-term kidney problems, the stress of the illness can often be mitigated by parents joining a support group in which members share common experiences and problems.
These side effects can be mitigated by taking vitamin C with food.