Primarily a singer and song stylist, Eddie also performed a soft shoe dance and was often the show 's Master of Ceremonies.
Rowlings is master of ceremonies when it comes to characterization, dishing out scoops of real life crisis, whether they are light-hearted or not, in increasing portions, sized to perfection with each delivery.
Next came dignities of a slightly lower rank, such as those of grand almoner (Fesch), grand marshal of the palace (Duroc), grand chamberlain (Talleyrand), grand master of the horse (Caulaincourt), grand huntsman (Berthier), grand master of ceremonies (Segur).
Primarily a singer and song stylist, Eddie also performed a soft shoe dance and was often the show's Master of Ceremonies.
When the party begins, the Master of Ceremonies will introduce each member of the Quinces Court and they will each stand in their assigned (and rehearsed places).