Mail Bomb Synonyms

A massive amount of email that is sent to a specific person or system, consuming the recipient’s disk space on the server or creating an overload situation for the server, which causes it to slow down considerably or stop functioning altogether. In the past, mail bombs have been used to punish Internet users who are netiquette violators (such as those who spam others on the Internet). A massive amount of email that is sent to a specific person or system, consuming the recipient’s disk space on the server or creating an overload situation for the server, which causes it to slow down considerably or stop functioning altogether. In the past, mail bombs have been used to punish Internet users who are netiquette violators (such as those who spam others on the Internet). TechTarget. Mail Bomb. [Online, October 28, 2003.] TechTarget Website.,294236,sid14_gci212514,00.html.
  1. letter bomb
  2. package bomb

Words Related to Mail Bomb

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.


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