Another class of nocturnal demons are the incubi and succubi, who are said to consort with human beings in their sleep; in the Antilles these were the ghosts of the dead; in New Zealand likewise ancestral deities formed liaisons with females; in the Samoan Islands the inferior gods were regarded as the fathers of children otherwise unaccounted for; the Hindus have rites prescribed by which a companion nymph may be secured.
He sought to remedy the evil by liaisons with two of the most beautiful of his countrywomen, Barbara Gizanka and Anna Zajanczkowska, the diet undertaking to legitimatize and acknowledge as his successor any heir male who might be born to him; but their complacency was in vain, for the king died childless.
So difficult was the country and so imperfect the liaisons that it was not till the 2gth that the deployment of the I., II.
Always being very up-front with his sexual liaisons, the early part of the book becomes a catalog of youthful indiscretions.
For every Pulp Fiction, Gattaca and dangerous liaisons there is a Batman & Robin or Avengers that drags her back to square one.