(in India) a unit of length having different values in different localities
Kos Sentence Examples
The shopkeeper pulled out a dark blue Jay Kos and a grey Armani.
Chemosh (Moab) and Milk (Milcom), the god of Ammon, and in the case of Edom a deity known from the inscriptions as KOs (in Assyrian Kaus).
A circuit of 84 kos around Gokul and Brindaban bears the name of the Braj-Mandal, and carries with it many associations of earliest Aryan times.
The principal Buddhist painters down to the 14th century were members of the Kos, Takuma and Kasuga lines, the first descended from Kanaoka, the second from Takuma Tamuji (ending 10th century), and the third from Fujiwara no Motomitsu (I 11 century).
Lush cypress groves, whitewashed houses, sleepy mountain villages and fertile plains are everywhere on the island of Kos.