He supposed that in air Boyle's law holds in the extensions and compressions, or that p = kp, whence dp/dp = k = p/p. His value of the velocity in air is therefore U = iJ (p ip.) (Newton's formula).
If the fork has slightly greater frequency, then a white line will not quite reach the next place while the fork is making its swing ip and out, and the waves will travel against the motion of the cylinder.
Hence the moment of the load on Am at C is wy0m, and the moment of a uniform load over any portion of the girder is w X the area of the influence curve Ip' G' E ' under that portion.
When the point of contact of two wheels lies between theim centres, they are said to be in outside gearing; when beyond theii centres, ip inside gearing, because the rolling surface of the larger wheel must in this case be turned inward or towards its centre.
An ordinance signed We see this title in its old Persian form, Khshayathiya Khshayathiy, in the cuneiform inscriptions; as Bao-iMwr Bao-nX&ip on the coins of the Arsacides, and as the Pahlavi Malkan MaTha on the coins and in the inscriptions of the Sassanians.