The chief instance is his careful interweaving of the accounts of the births and early years of John the Baptist and of Jesus.
Thomae archiepiscopi Cantuariensis, Thomae Mori (Douay, 1588; Cologne, 1612) and the Vila Thomae Mori (separately), (Gratz, 1689) translates Roper, interweaving what material he could find scattered through More's works and letters and the notices of him in the writings of his contemporaries.
In other cases (Diplodia, Aecidium, &c.) conidial or oidial "fructifications" arise by a number of hyphae interweaving themselves into a knot, as if they were forming a sclerotium.
This intricate interweaving of braids and knots is a classic icon of Celtic history and is often found in jewelry pieces, especially rings.
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