The believer may pass from one community to another without imperilling his spiritual life, or even establish a new church without necessarily incurring the reproach of schism.
He carefully refrained from incurring suspicion and unpopularity by opposing the general outcry, and though he saw through the imposture from the beginning he made no attempt to moderate the popular frenzy or to save the life of any of the victims, his co-religionists, not even intervening in the case of Lord Stafford, and allowing Titus Oates to be lodged at Whitehall with a pension.
Four years later Khalaf, incurring Mahmud's displeasure again, was imprisoned, and his property confiscated.
A male Perfect could not lay his hand on a woman without incurring penance of a three-days' fast.
He even became one of the securities for Jefferson Davis, thereby incurring the resentment of Northern radical leaders.