This movement is said to go forth from God to the animated heaven, stars, visible world and man, which represent decreasing degrees of cognition.
The Sun of Righteousness shall shine forth on those that fear Yahweh's name; they shall go forth with joy, and tread the wicked under foot.
The men for this work were now ready, and the sons of the newly evangelized English Churches were ready to go forth.
On the 17th of August 1805 the dam of the canal of Cairo was to be cut, and some chiefs of Mehemet Alis party wrote, informing them that he would go forth early on that morning with most of his troops to witness the ceremony, inviting them to enter and seize the city, and, to deceive them, stipulating for a certain sum of money as a reward.
Certain particles go forth from the eye to meet similar particles given forth from the object, and the resultant contact constitutes vision.