Death came to him at last in its gentlest form.
Eighteenth-century Italy looked on religion with apathetic indifference, and Liguori convinced himself that only the gentlest and most lenient treatment could win back the alienated laity; hence he was always willing to excuse errors on the side of laxity as due to an excess of zeal in winning over penitents.
While all lingerie should be gently washed and dried, your transparent pieces require the gentlest of care.
Bright also attempted to address the House, but, after a sentence or two delivered in a tremulous voice, he was overpowered with emotion, and declared he must leave to a calmer moment what he had to say on the life and character of the manliest and gentlest spirit that ever quitted or tenanted a human form.
The gentlest analgesic usually prescribed is paracetamol, given three times a day (62.5 mgm under 12 months; 125 mgm 1-4 years; 250 mgm 4-10 years; 500 mgm 10-14 years; and 1 gm 15 years upwards).