To deal in generalities, plants capture, on average, about 5 percent of the solar energy that falls on their leaves.
With so many ships to choose from, it can be difficult to make generalities about any cruise line.
In the first place as regards style, though the Stagirite pupil Aristotle could never rival his Attic master in literary form, yet he did a signal service to philosophy in gradually passing from the vague generalities of the dialogue to the scientific precision of the didactic treatise.
He maintained alike the claim of demonstrative science with its generalities for the few who could live in that ethereal world, and the claim of religion for all - the common life of each soul as an individual and personal consciousness.
A theology consisting of a few vague generalities was sufficient to sustain the piety of the best of the deists; but it had not the concreteness or intensity necessary to take a firm hold on those whom it emancipated from the old beliefs.