His ideal was to restore the conditions which he supposed prevailed during the first three centuries of the Church's existence; but the celebrated Ecclesiastical Ordinances adopted by the town in 1541 and revised in 1561 failed fully to realize his ideas, which find a more complete exemplification in the regulations governing the French Church later.
The bishops, to whom the manor belonged until the Reformation, had difficulty in enforcing their warren and other rights; in 1351 Bishop Grandison obtained an exemplification of judgments of 1282 declaring that he had pleas of withernam, view of frank pledge, the gallows and assize of bread and ale.
The guidance highlights five key dimensions of a SACRE's work and provides exemplification of good practice.
For example, further exemplification to ensure a Level 4 judgment at KS2 would also be judged a Level 4 at KS3.
They offer little by way of evidence or concrete exemplification.