Also at St Mary's the Chamber Choir sang a beautiful candlelit Evensong.
It sings Sunday morning services every week and full choral evensong on all but the second Sunday of the month.
His preaching, his catechizing of the children after evensong, and his connexion with the Bala Methodists - his wife's stepfather being a Methodist preacher - gave great offence.
In addition to the enactment of canons (strictly so-called) the English provincial synods since the Henrician changes have legislated - in 1570 by the enactment of the Thirty-Nine Articles, in 1661 by approving the present Book of Common Prayer, and in 1873 by approving shorter forms of matins and evensong.
Shamefully, it took me almost thirty years from the time I first listened to English sacred music to attend my first evensong.