He also dealt with the questions of stock-jobbing and of electioneering corruption.
His electioneering ventures, the friendly backing of bills, and his own expense in keeping up appearances, had loaded him with debt.
None of our children can vote so the candidates were not electioneering.
Acts of political machismo could herald serious danger during the electioneering period.
The failure of the government in Ireland (where the only success was Mr Birrell's introduction of the Universities Bill in April 1908), their internal divisions as regards socialistic legislation, their variance from the views of the selfgoverning colonies on Imperial administration, the admission after the general election that the alleged "slavery" of the Chinese in the Transvaal was, in Mr Winston Churchill's phrase, a "terminological inexactitude," and the introduction of extreme measures such as the Licensing Bill of 1908, offered excellent opportunities of electioneering attack.