Divination Synonyms

Something that is foretold by or as if by supernatural means
  1. prophecy
  2. soothsaying
  3. augury
  4. forecast
  5. clairvoyance
  6. foretelling
  7. fortunetelling
  8. prediction
  9. insight
  10. cleromancy
  11. oneiromancy
  12. palmistry
  13. rhabdomancy
  14. fortune-telling
  15. interpretation of omens
  16. sorcery
  17. calculation
  18. foreshadowing
  19. oracle
  20. prognostics
  21. prognostication
  22. extrasensory-perception
  23. esp
  24. spirit-rapping
  25. table-tipping
  26. thaumaturgy
  27. horoscopy
  28. penetration
  29. intimation
  30. portent
  31. warning
  32. astromancy
  33. i-ching
  34. phrenology
  35. astrology
  36. graphology
  37. tea-leaf reading
  38. hieromancy
  39. necromancy
  40. hydromancy
  41. ichthyomancy
  42. pyromancy
  43. crystal gazing
  44. crystallomancy
  45. sciomancy
  46. ornithomancy
  47. ophiomancy
  48. dactyliomancy
  49. bibliomancy
  50. anthropomancy
  51. alectryomancy
  52. catoptromancy
  53. psephomancy
  54. guess
  55. numerology
  56. alphitomancy
  57. lithomancy
  58. haruspication
  59. chiromancy
  60. aeromancy
  61. aleuromancy
  62. axinomancy
  63. vaticination
  64. intuition
  65. belomancy
  66. haruspicy
  67. genethliacs
  68. dowsing
  69. Ouija board (trademark)
  70. casting the planchette
  71. omen
  72. vision
  73. premonition
  74. onomancy
  75. prognosis
  76. scapulimancy
  77. stichomancy
  78. sortilege
  79. sycomancy
  80. theomancy
  81. xylomancy
  82. zoomancy

Words Related to Divination

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.