Pulling out the letter, she looked at the ten digit key code.
It may be shown by a mark (33) on the 26th digit of Sharpe's Egyptian cubit = 19.2 in.
In the typical Ungulata or Diplarthra, the feet are never plantigrade, and the functional toes do not exceed four - the inner digit being suppressed, Right Fore Foot of Indian at all events in all forms which Elephant.
Most ancient measures have been derived from one of two great systems, that of the cubit of 20.63 in., or the digit of 0.729 in.; and both these systems are found in the earliest remains.
This is also evidently the Olympic cubit; and, in pursuance of the decimal multiple of the digit found in Egypt and Persia, the cubit of 25 digits was (1/4)th of the orguia of 100 digits, the series being --