The estab lishment consists of 32 conserVators, I St E
The city then placed itself under the protection of the emperor .Charles V., created a magistracy of "ten conservators of the liberties of the state" (December 1524), united the different monti in one named the "monte of the reigning nobles," and, rejoicing to be rid of the last of the Petrucci, dated their public books, ab instaurata libertate year I., II., and so on.
The Burma forests are divided into three circles each under a conservator, with twenty-one deputy conservators.
Early in this century both England and Scotland had their " conservators " with " jurisdiction to do justice between merchant and merchant beyond the seas "; but France led the way.
The trustees are conservators of the river Tawb and parts of Swansea Bay, and the pilotage and lighthouse authority of the district.